23 December 2006

President Clinton's Last Days in Office

Its time for when Presidential Videos were funny and not awkward. You know what I'm talking about, when President Bush sent his dog barney looking for WMD in the Oval? Well here is a good one, Clinton and the older Pete from Pete and Pete... How do you use ebay? lol

read more | digg story

28 October 2006

Twice Weekly 2: A Salute

This week the Bush Administration said goodbye to an old ally; and Lindsay Graham, republican senator from South Carolina called out the Bush administration on some key strategy in Iraq. Also a side note to a good friend of mine.

I would also Like to thank youtube user dsf3g for his compilation of the tribute to the old Bush ally "Stay the Course." Here is the link to Dave's blog

Free Radicals is not resposnible for outside content.

Twice Weekly 2: A Salute

This week the Bush Administration said goodbye to an old ally; and Lindsay Graham, republican senator from South Carolina called out the Bush administration on some key strategy in Iraq. Also a side note to a good friend of mine.

I would also Like to thank youtube user dsf3g for his compilation of the tribute to the old Bush ally "Stay the Course." Dave's blog is

Free Radicals is not resposnible for outside content.

26 October 2006

Twice Weekly 2: A Salute

This week the Bush Administration said goodbye to an old ally; and Lindsay Graham, republican senator from South Carolina called out the Bush administration on some key strategy in Iraq. Also a side note to a good friend of mine.

I would also Like to thank youtube user dsf3g for his compilation of the tribute to the old Bush ally "Stay the Course." Dave's blog is

Free Radicals is not resposnible for outside content.

22 October 2006

Kevin Tillman Speaks out

Kevin Tillman who is a vetran of both Afghanistan and Iraq and brother of Pat Tillman the football player who joined the Army Rangers and was sent to afghanistan. Kevin Tillman wrote an open letter addressing the lack of checks on the government. It is a very energizing piece, especially since an Army Ranger wrote it. I think the fact that someone from the military wrote it should capture people's attention and hopefully it will make everyone think, because our country has gone somewhere that none of us should have allowed, but yet we were brought here by our apathy.

16 October 2006

Free Radicals: Twice Weekly 1

Introducing Twice Weekly.

Twice Weekly is a Free Radicals production that gives interesting political news twice weekly, usually Tuesday and Thursday (because its easy for me). Today's Twice Weekly is about Donna Brazile's effort to correct voting problems, and Attorney Lynne Stewart's sentencing of 28 months.

12 October 2006

Free Radicals: Who are these blokes?

This is what we hope free radicals is going to be, listen for an outake at the end...
We hope you listen out for more Free Radicals to come in. Remember you're either with us or against us.

Free Radicals: The Beginning

This is only the beginning of hopefully a long journey for Free Radicals. Right now it is only an intro, but hopefully by next week we will have a full episode up.

11 October 2006

Free Radocals : NewsBreak Edition

This is Free Radicals NewsBreak edition. Here is a transcript (not-verbatim)

John Hopkins University has release a report claiming that there have been over 600,000
Iraqi Civilian Casualties since the start of the Iraq War in 2003.

The John Hopkins numbers are 20 x that of Bush Administration Estimates, which puts the civilian casualty count between 30 and 50000.

President Bush himself, in a press conference in the rose garden, disagrees with the John Hopkins data and presented his view point on Iraq.

CBS News is reporting that in September alone there were over 2000 Iraqi Civilian Casualties.

In other News President Bush was asked, in the same press conference, about diplomacy and North Korea and if it is possible for Bilateral talks with the new nuclear power

Before North Korea tested the nuclear device it wanted to meet bilateraly with the United States, and the Bush administration was against the idea.

I'm KG and that is it for this Free Radicals NewsBreak. We will have more updates tomorrow.

The sound bytes came from C-SPAN's coverage of the President's Press Conference held in the Rose garden Today Wednsday October 11th.

08 October 2006

Free Radicals: The Beginning

This is only the beginning of hopefully a long journey for Free Radicals. Right now it is only an intro, but hopefully by next week we will have a full episode up.

07 October 2006

Free Radicals

In the coming weeks me and my cousin Chris plan to implement a new netcast program that focuses on American Politics, Policies, and a little technology (because I am a geek at heart). We are getting our influence from "Real Time with Bill Maher," which is a program that comes on HBO Friday nights at 11.00 pm. However, since my cousin and I do not have the clout like Bill Maher, the netcast will mainly just be me and him and in segments.

I already have a friend that has helped with the theme, the theme and creator will be introduced later on, once we have worked out the creative commons for it. I love the idea of using the netcast medium for political discussion because it really utilizes free speach as a right and has a general levling of the playing ground for everybody.

Until then, this has been your Free Radical KenG.

01 October 2006

Don't Ask Don't Tell.

I am an avid watcher of The Situation Room on CNN. Last week Jack Cafferty, the shows curmguin and honest commentator, brought up a good point: Should the US Military Repeal the "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy. Now the history behind this policy is a bit mixed up, people believe that Clinton didn't push this policy he was given this policy. Clinton wanted to allow openly gay americans to serve in the United States Armed Services, similar to the practice in England. However the Congress only went as far to allow closeted members of the armed forces community to serve. Not that big of a deal right? Wrong, in the past five years gay officers crucial to the "War on Terror" have been dismissed for being homosexuals. Many of these officers either speak arabic or have a connection to middle east and arab intelligence. At a time when a heavy concentration of our troops are in the Middle East, I don't think we need the Army needs to dismiss them due to who they have sexual relations with.

To those that say that openly gay Armed service memebers is a bad idea because troops are going to think that their comrade is going to try to feel them up during combat have no steady argument. When women were first allowed to serve in the military many of the Army Brass argued that there would be a drop in military productivity but there wasn't. If anything knowing a deep secret about a comrade would tighten the comradery between the troops not harm it. You may ask, why, well if a homosexual tells his comrade that he is gay, it shows that he trusts his peer and could create even more trust in the unit. Now you may disagree with that, and actually if you do I want to hear it because that is one reason why I do this blog to have debate. If you want to talk to me about it my AIM is Futurepotuskg.

30 September 2006

Is Walmart Suicide Friendly?

I am sitting here watching George Carlin's HBO Special "Life is Worth Losing." It is quite hilarious, and there are two quotes that got me thinking. The first is "I couldn't commit suicide if my life depended on it," that is just fucking hilarious and good. The second was about a man commiting suicide having to go down to walmart to buy a rope to hang himself. It got me thinking, is walmart suicide/murder friendly?

Look what they have is cheap anti-freeze, jump ropes (to hang oneself with), guns, ammunition, car service, the list can go on. I am asking you to think about this one because isn't it true, you could spend less than a 25 dollars on a murder-suicide. Here is what you could do:

  • With a jump rope: Kill someone with it and then hang yourself with it
  • With a gallon of anti-freeze, poison your victim and poison yourself.
  • With a jump rope and antifreeze: Poison somebody with anti-freeze, and then hang yourself
  • With a gun, self explanatory kill your victim and then yourself (more than 25 dollars though).
  • Car service, run over somebody and then drive into a body of water.
  • Car Service, lock your victim in the trunk and drive off a bridge.
  • With a hammer and Car Service, beat the hell out of your victim with the hammer, throw them in the trunk and drive the car off the bridge with you in it.

    There are many more but that is all I'm putting down right now.

    Disclaimer: Theoreticaly: I do not support this activity.
  • 10 September 2006

    National Lampoon

    We the People of the United States of America

    Over a year after Katrina, after a year of thoughts of how our government should act. I am able to say that I can say that I have a new view on government policy. The past 60 years our government has been all around the world trying to help other people. There is nothing wrong with that policy, but we have to take care of our people first. When I used to hear that I would think that people were selfish; but after Katrina and New Orleans, Shreveport Missisippi, and all of the damage to the Gulf Coast (all places that should be rallying cries for revolution) I've come to the realization that not only does the government look stupid for not being able to help the residents on the gulf coast. And our country looks much worse for the quagmire in Iraq, where we tried to help them and we can't even help ourselves! In Lebanon, Hezzbollah is helping Lebanese citizens re-build their communities after they caused the destruction of their towns. Comedians have made jokes about Hezzbollah next big project will to be to re-build new Orleans. The sad thing is that Hezzbollah probably could do it. What is even more sad is that We The People of the United States of America look like sheep for allowing the government to do no good for the people of the Gulf Coast citizens.

    We the People of The United States, in order to form a more perfect union should rise up and tell the government that we will not accept this neglect of our Gulf Coast brothers and sisters. We the People will not stand for the stealing of Landowners' land in the Gulf Coast. We should stand up and fight this to our last breath because if we allow this to happen in New Orleans, the government will come to our homes and take our land and take our freedoms piece by piece. We cannot allow this to happen. It is time brothers and sisters to stand up and make the government know that we won't let them hurt our brothers and sisters in the Gulf Coast anymore than they already have. We have to fight for our Gulf Coast friends like we are fighting for our own survival, because when it comes down to it we are.
    Over a year after Katrina, after a year of thoughts of how our government should act. I am able to say that I can say that I have a new view on government policy. The past 60 years our government has been all around the world trying to help other people. There is nothing wrong with that policy, but we have to take care of our people first. When I used to hear that I would think that people were selfish; but after Katrina and New Orleans, Shreveport Missisippi, and all of the damage to the Gulf Coast (all places that should be rallying cries for revolution) I've come to the realization that not only does the government look stupid for not being able to help the residents on the gulf coast. And our country looks much worse for the quagmire in Iraq, where we tried to help them and we can't even help ourselves! In Lebanon, Hezzbollah is helping Lebanese citizens re-build their communities after they caused the destruction of their towns. Comedians have made jokes about Hezzbollah next big project will to be to re-build new Orleans. The sad thing is that Hezzbollah probably could do it. What is even more sad is that We The People of the United States of America look like sheep for allowing the government to do no good for the people of the Gulf Coast citizens.

    We the People of The United States, in order to form a more perfect union should rise up and tell the government that we will not accept this neglect of our Gulf Coast brothers and sisters. We the People will not stand for the stealing of Landowners' land in the Gulf Coast. We should stand up and fight this to our last breath because if we allow this to happen in New Orleans, the government will come to our homes and take our land and take our freedoms piece by piece. We cannot allow this to happen. It is time brothers and sisters to stand up and make the government know that we won't let them hurt our brothers and sisters in the Gulf Coast anymore than they already have. We have to fight for our Gulf Coast friends like we are fighting for our own survival, because when it comes down to it we are.

    13 April 2006

    A party of ideas

    Okay so I was wathing commander and chief tonight, you know the show with the female president. Well its not West Wing, but it is good in its own way. Something struck me funny though, the democratic chairman said that the democrats used to be a "party of ideas." It is is true the democrats had some great ideas welfare reform, equal rights, fair wages, BALANCED BUDGET. Today it seems like the democrats is the party of stupidity, the party could be cashing in on the fact that the republicans are fucking themselves with giant pogo stics. But our stupid ass democrats are just sitting there and they are either fucking themselves while the republicans are getting fucked with the pogo stick or they are screaming some bullshit about how the republicans are this or that. The democrats need to get a fucking brain and tell the public that the Bush Administration is fucking everyone up our collective asses and how the democrats would prevent Bush from fucking us over and over again when the democrats take back the house. But no, the democrats just complain about the minor shit (Iraq is not minor and as you see the democrats aren't really complaining because they don't know how to approach it). On Iraq all the democrats have to do is say "When we first receieved the information about Iraq, we like the rest of the world thought it was trying to obtain WMDs. We know now that this is not true and we now know that the president did not try everythigng to prevent the Iraq war, and therefore we also regret voting for the resolution that gave President Bush to go to war with Iraq." It is that simple, the democrats have to push that out and then they can push their agenda, once they figure out what it is. I would be happy to help them with the agenda, because the democratic party definately needs new blood.

    27 January 2006

    Security Alert to all Windows Users...

    There is an exploit to Microsoft Windows that allows an image or video to have executable code in it, this code could be executed by running the video or image in your windows system commonly run with Windows Media player. Click this link. This will download an application to tell you if your computer could run such an executeable. If it says "This Computer HAS MICE" then you should download the latest Windows update ASAP. If the program says "This Computer HAS NO Mice," then you are safe to go on your way and live your happy or sad little life until the next exploit comes out. Thank you all gooday.