Today I watched Stepmother, it is a film from 1998, with Susan Sarandon and Julia Roberts. A man who divorces his wife (Sarandon) and re-marries a younger woman (Roberts), has two children with (Sarandon). Sarandon's character learns she has cancer and undergoes treatment while despising her younger replacement. Sarandon and Roberts eventually become friends and so on. The movie made me realize I miss my mom, even though she is still here. I'm 19 going on 20 on Monday (June 25th) and I live with both of my parents. Yet I still miss my mom, and there are times I know I won't have with her even though she is still here. Even if I could spend every hour with her for the rest of her life it won't be enough, and selfishly enough I want her around for ever. I love my mom more than anything else, even more than the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with. I would do anything for my mom, I would probably even kill for her, because she means so much to me. There are times when she pisses me off, but I try to think of how short our lives are to be angry at one another. I know that one day my mom will leave my life forever, and I am scared of that day and the day after and the day after. I have no idea what I will do when she dies what I do know is that a lot of crying will be involved, but I don't know how I will go on. I've had nightmares where I imagine that she will never come home, and I woke up and cried. I don't cry much but for my mother I would cry, because she means so much to me and that is all that matters. I just hope that other people can realize the special relationship a person can have with their mother. That is all I have to say right now. Thanks for reading this and pass it on to your mother if you think they might enjoy it.
21 June 2007
17 June 2007
Am I Bovvered?
I found this today after I watched a channel 4 movie "The Trial of Tony Blair" the movie was interesting and I don't know if Blair, played by Robert Lindsay. I don't know if his Tony Blair was the hero of the movie. However, I felt sorry for Blair in this movie. He was a very sympathetic character in the movie. Now please don't attack me for this I don't follow British politics I know that Blair is the current PM who is stepping down on the 27th of June (two days after my birthday), and Gordon Brown is the heir apparent as PM (prime minister).
This isn't the reason I did this post, I just wanted to share a laugh. This is all for now, I will update you soon with my plans with this blog and if it will go on at all. Thanks for reading, Goodnight and Good Luck.
11 June 2007
Don't Stop Believing

*Authors Note, If you haven't seen the finale and don't want to hear about it don't read this, but then again who reads this anyways?
I understand that everyone else that has seen the whole Series of The Sopranos, just a few episodes, or just the finale have something to say about the finale. From what I've read with my two eyes there are a lot of people that are pissed off, going as far as threatening to cancel their HBO subscription. Well I like Entourage, so I won't be canceling.
I myself who has never really followed mob movies/tv except for, of course, The Godfather didn't come to the Sopranos until midway through the third season when I pleaded my parents to get HBO. I actually told them I would pay for half. I learned of the Sopranos through my cousin and hearing other people talk about it. From my starting point, I loved the show and following Tony around and wandering who's going to be offed this season.
The Sopranos was more than just the mob and murder though, and that is what made it so prolific. I don't want to say that it made an anti-hero a hero, I don't believe that. Tony Soprano was like most Americans, had a family with 2 kids and a wonderful wife. Tony's exception he happened to be a crime boss that happened to have a few personal issues, but who doesn't in this fucked up world right?
Tony's relationship with the viewer was what made him such a good character. That is why he isn't an anti-hero, he is just a guy that we could relate with, looking out for his family be it a business family or his own family. That is exactly why he couldn't be killed off, when it came down to it killing off Tony would be a lot like Killing a bit of ourselves. Having the show end the way it did, with him and the family was the best way for it to end because when it comes down to it, we can't stop believing can we?
23 December 2006
President Clinton's Last Days in Office
Its time for when Presidential Videos were funny and not awkward. You know what I'm talking about, when President Bush sent his dog barney looking for WMD in the Oval? Well here is a good one, Clinton and the older Pete from Pete and Pete... How do you use ebay? lol
read more | digg story
read more | digg story
28 October 2006
Twice Weekly 2: A Salute
This week the Bush Administration said goodbye to an old ally; and Lindsay Graham, republican senator from South Carolina called out the Bush administration on some key strategy in Iraq. Also a side note to a good friend of mine.
I would also Like to thank youtube user dsf3g for his compilation of the tribute to the old Bush ally "Stay the Course." Here is the link to Dave's blog
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I would also Like to thank youtube user dsf3g for his compilation of the tribute to the old Bush ally "Stay the Course." Here is the link to Dave's blog
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Twice Weekly 2: A Salute
This week the Bush Administration said goodbye to an old ally; and Lindsay Graham, republican senator from South Carolina called out the Bush administration on some key strategy in Iraq. Also a side note to a good friend of mine.
I would also Like to thank youtube user dsf3g for his compilation of the tribute to the old Bush ally "Stay the Course." Dave's blog is
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I would also Like to thank youtube user dsf3g for his compilation of the tribute to the old Bush ally "Stay the Course." Dave's blog is
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26 October 2006
Twice Weekly 2: A Salute
This week the Bush Administration said goodbye to an old ally; and Lindsay Graham, republican senator from South Carolina called out the Bush administration on some key strategy in Iraq. Also a side note to a good friend of mine.
I would also Like to thank youtube user dsf3g for his compilation of the tribute to the old Bush ally "Stay the Course." Dave's blog is
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I would also Like to thank youtube user dsf3g for his compilation of the tribute to the old Bush ally "Stay the Course." Dave's blog is
Free Radicals is not resposnible for outside content.
22 October 2006
Kevin Tillman Speaks out
Kevin Tillman who is a vetran of both Afghanistan and Iraq and brother of Pat Tillman the football player who joined the Army Rangers and was sent to afghanistan. Kevin Tillman wrote an open letter addressing the lack of checks on the government. It is a very energizing piece, especially since an Army Ranger wrote it. I think the fact that someone from the military wrote it should capture people's attention and hopefully it will make everyone think, because our country has gone somewhere that none of us should have allowed, but yet we were brought here by our apathy.
16 October 2006
Free Radicals: Twice Weekly 1
Introducing Twice Weekly.
Twice Weekly is a Free Radicals production that gives interesting political news twice weekly, usually Tuesday and Thursday (because its easy for me). Today's Twice Weekly is about Donna Brazile's effort to correct voting problems, and Attorney Lynne Stewart's sentencing of 28 months.
Twice Weekly is a Free Radicals production that gives interesting political news twice weekly, usually Tuesday and Thursday (because its easy for me). Today's Twice Weekly is about Donna Brazile's effort to correct voting problems, and Attorney Lynne Stewart's sentencing of 28 months.
12 October 2006
Free Radicals: Who are these blokes?
This is what we hope free radicals is going to be, listen for an outake at the end...
We hope you listen out for more Free Radicals to come in. Remember you're either with us or against us.
We hope you listen out for more Free Radicals to come in. Remember you're either with us or against us.
Free Radicals: The Beginning
This is only the beginning of hopefully a long journey for Free Radicals. Right now it is only an intro, but hopefully by next week we will have a full episode up.
11 October 2006
Free Radocals : NewsBreak Edition
This is Free Radicals NewsBreak edition. Here is a transcript (not-verbatim)
John Hopkins University has release a report claiming that there have been over 600,000
Iraqi Civilian Casualties since the start of the Iraq War in 2003.
The John Hopkins numbers are 20 x that of Bush Administration Estimates, which puts the civilian casualty count between 30 and 50000.
President Bush himself, in a press conference in the rose garden, disagrees with the John Hopkins data and presented his view point on Iraq.
CBS News is reporting that in September alone there were over 2000 Iraqi Civilian Casualties.
In other News President Bush was asked, in the same press conference, about diplomacy and North Korea and if it is possible for Bilateral talks with the new nuclear power
Before North Korea tested the nuclear device it wanted to meet bilateraly with the United States, and the Bush administration was against the idea.
I'm KG and that is it for this Free Radicals NewsBreak. We will have more updates tomorrow.
The sound bytes came from C-SPAN's coverage of the President's Press Conference held in the Rose garden Today Wednsday October 11th.
John Hopkins University has release a report claiming that there have been over 600,000
Iraqi Civilian Casualties since the start of the Iraq War in 2003.
The John Hopkins numbers are 20 x that of Bush Administration Estimates, which puts the civilian casualty count between 30 and 50000.
President Bush himself, in a press conference in the rose garden, disagrees with the John Hopkins data and presented his view point on Iraq.
CBS News is reporting that in September alone there were over 2000 Iraqi Civilian Casualties.
In other News President Bush was asked, in the same press conference, about diplomacy and North Korea and if it is possible for Bilateral talks with the new nuclear power
Before North Korea tested the nuclear device it wanted to meet bilateraly with the United States, and the Bush administration was against the idea.
I'm KG and that is it for this Free Radicals NewsBreak. We will have more updates tomorrow.
The sound bytes came from C-SPAN's coverage of the President's Press Conference held in the Rose garden Today Wednsday October 11th.
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